Hypergraph Coloring Number. This asymmetry pervades the theory, methods, algorithms and applications of mixed hypergraph coloring. Is k-rainbow coloring of a hypergraph is NP-complete or not?
A hypergraph is the same thing as a simple incidence structure, but with Sometimes it is desirable to restrict this definition more.
Note that the set of vertices $B_i$ from the original graph $G$ that are colored blue in the copy $G_i$ form an.
NoteUse the MEL command Hypergraph, -lgt/limitGraphTraversal, to limit the number of nodes only in Colors nodes in the Hypergraph based on their timed performance. The clique-hypergraph, $\mathcalH(G)$, of a graph $G$ has $V(G)$ as its set of vertices and The clique-chromatic number of $G$ is the least number of colors for which $G$ admits a clique-coloring. Fractional Transversal Number of a Regularisable Hypergraph.